Nicolas Alcala visits US collaborators for evolution projects
Great experience of Nicolas visiting collaborators Jaehee Kim at the University of Cornell and Noah A Rosenberg at Stanford University! Nicolas and collaborators are developing methods to understand tumor evolution and describe intra-tumor heterogeneity. Nicolas gave a lecture to Stanford graduate students on the mathematics of population structure (available here) and a lecture on cancer
Submission of a theoretical deep learning paper
Submission of a theoretical deep learning paper : Mathian E, Liu H, Fernandez-Cuesta L, Samaras D, Foll M, Chen L, HaloAE: An HaloNet based Local Transformer Auto-Encoder for Anomaly Detection and Localization. European Conference on Computer Vision 2022.
Rare Cancers EPIC Working Group approved by the EPIC Steering Committee
The proposed Rare Cancers EPIC Working Group led by Lynnette Fernandez-Cuesta and Matthieu Foll has been approved by the EPIC Steering Committee. We are looking forward to using this Rare Cancers EPIC Working Group as a way to better understand the etiology of neuroendocrine tumors and sarcomas.
New publication in Lung Cancer
Check out our publication in Lung Cancer, entitled “Detection of acquired TERT amplification in addition to predisposing p53 and Rb pathways alterations in EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinomas transformed into small-cell lung cancers” led by our collaborators Anne Mc Leer and Denis Moro-Sibilot. Full paper can be found here.
New publication in the International Journal of Cancer
Check out our publication in the International Journal of Cancer, entitled “Differential Orthopedia Homeobox expression in pulmonary carcinoids is associated with changes in DNA methylation” led by our collaborators Jules Derks and Ernst-Jan Speel. Full paper can be found here.
New position for our postdoc Alex Di Genova at the University of Chile
Congratulations to our postdoc Alex Di Genova, starting in January 2022 as Associate Professor at the University of Chile, leading his own group!
Oral talk at the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation 2021 Virtual Research Symposium
Alexandra Sexton-Oates presented a short video entitled “Molecular characterization of pulmonary supra-carcinoids through integration of multi-omics data” at the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation 2021 Virtual Research Symposium
Our latest paper from the MESOMICS project is out now in bioRxiv!
We are excited to share the latest work from our MESOMICS project in which we disentangle the molecular, clinical and morphological heterogeneity of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) using deep integrative omics analyses: MPM is a rare aggressive cancer associated with asbestos exposure. In the past decade, knowledge on the molecular profile of MPM has
Matthieu Foll and Lynnette Fernandez-Cuesta are invited to participate in the ENETS Task Force in lung NET
This is a great opportunity to start collaborations that will help translate our molecular data into clinical practice.
The 5th edition of the WHO classification of Thoracic Tumors is out!
Lynnette Fernandez-Cuesta had the honor to participate as expert co-author for Neuroendocrine Tumors chapter. It can be found here.