Oral talk at the European Association of Nuclear Medicine Multidisciplinary Days
Lynnette Fernandez-Cuesta and Matthieu Foll presented the RCG research advances on the molecular characterisation of lung neuroendocrine tumor during the European Association of Nuclear Medicine Multidisciplinary Days (Multidisciplinary Days – EANM’22), in the symposium entitled “Imaging, Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of Lung NETs – Current and Future Directions”. This is part of our ongoing effort to
European Scientific Institute precision oncology summer school
Emilie Mathian and Matthieu Foll gave lectures on deep-learning algorithm for histopathological images and multi-omics characterisation of tumors, respectively, at the European Scientific Institute precision oncology summer school (PRECISION ONCOLOGY Presentation – ESI Archamps)
Oral presentation at the Pulmonary Pathology Society Biennial Meeting
Alexandra Sexton-Oates presented an education session on the molecular classification of small cell lung cancer and other neuroendocrine neoplasms at the Pulmonary Pathology Society biennial meeting in Cork, Ireland.