Oral talk at the annual CLARA Forum
Matthieu Foll presented the challenges and opportunities of genomics data sharing in the context of rare cancers in the plenary session of the annual CLARA Forum. Matthieu is also now co-leading the CLARA scientific steering committee pilar “Innovations Technology for Health” together with Prof. Florent Cachin.
Award in the Annual ENETS Conference 2022
Ricardo Blázquez-Encinas, a PhD Student who visited our group for three months, has won the fourth place for oral abstract presentation in the category Basic Science in ENETS Conference 2022, presenting his work done in our lab. Congratulations!
Creation of the Rare Cancers Genomics Team in the new IARC-WHO organization
We are proud of finally seeing the Rare Cancers Genomics initiative officialised with the creation of the Rare Cancers Genomics Team in the new IARC-WHO organization, co-led by Matthieu Foll and Lynnette Fernandez-Cuesta.
Oral talk at the 1st World NET Forum 2022
Congratulations to our talented postdoc Alexandra Sexton-Oates for her amazing talk at the 1st World NET Forum 2022, during the Annual ENETS Conference 2022.
Nicolas Alcala visits US collaborators for evolution projects
Great experience of Nicolas visiting collaborators Jaehee Kim at the University of Cornell and Noah A Rosenberg at Stanford University! Nicolas and collaborators are developing methods to understand tumor evolution and describe intra-tumor heterogeneity. Nicolas gave a lecture to Stanford graduate students on the mathematics of population structure (available here) and a lecture on cancer